United Nations Day: Guarda Roberto Bolle e i primi ballerini della Scala in streaming

di Fabiola Di Blasi

In occasione del 75° anniversario di Fondazione dell’ONU il Teatro alla Scala su iniziativa della Rappresentanza Permanente italiana presso le Nazioni Unite e insieme al Fondatore e Partner principale della Stagione Intesa Sanpaolo ha realizzato un documentario sulla danza con la partecipazione dell’étoile Roberto Bolle e dei primi ballerini e del Corpo di Ballo del Teatro alla Scala.

Il video sarò trasmesso al palazzo di vetro di New York oggi, 22 ottobre alle ore 18.00 (ora italiana) e in streaming su:

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To celebrate United Nations Day, an annual concert is usually held in the General Assembly Hall.
This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the concert will be prerecorded and screened in the General Assembly Hall. The theme of this year’s Concert, sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations, is “Reimagine, Rebalance, Restart: recovering together for our shared humanity”. The concert will include a performance featuring Roberto Bolle, accompanied by other world class etoiles as well as the Orchestra of Teatro alla Scala, all recorded at La Scala Theater in Milan. A number of classical, modern and reimagined dances, curated specifically for the UN Day Concert, will be performed. By connecting us and creating common understanding, art and culture create the fertile ground from which genuine solidarity can emerge. In this spirit, music and dance can help bring us together to reimagine a world “rebalanced”, to be designed and built together for present and future generations. Highlighting the significance of the 75th anniversary of the UN and reflecting on the experience of the pandemic, the 2020 UN Day performance will leverage the power of music and dance to capture our collective commitment to cooperation, multilateralism and global solidarity.

Secretary-General António Guterres and other dignitaries will deliver live remarks from the GA Hall.
United Nations Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations – New York
United Nations Day: https://bit.ly/2FqKTh

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